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Why Insurance Agents Should Work With Storm Restoration Services

2/15/2024 (Permalink)

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Property damage after a storm can be catastrophic and costly. If a storm strikes your area, you will likely be flooded with calls from insurance clients looking for help. Working with reliable storm restoration professionals can help ease the process and ensure that all of your clients have their needs met.

1. Quick Response

A storm response needs to be quick in order to be as effective as possible. Returning a structure to a physically stable state, removing flood water, and cleaning the debris left behind should all happen quickly in order to establish safety and prevent mold growth from starting. If mold is prevented, this lessens additional damage and lowers the cost of cleanup. Restoration specialists like SERVPRO pride themselves on their quick response to every type of disaster.

2. Trained Professionals

Storm restoration specialists are trained in responding to every type of storm. Whether it's a hurricane, flood, snowstorm, or tornado, they know how to deal with the damage. After a storm, there is rarely just one type of damage to a structure. There might be wind damage to the siding and water damage from flooding in the basement. These damages require different types of cleaning and repairs. Restoration specialists know how to catalogue and deal with wind damage, flood damage, and more simultaneously. This eliminates the need for multiple specialists working on the same restoration.

3. A Network of Resources

Working with a restoration specialist with a corporate system in place like SERVPRO connects you and your clients with a large national network. Disaster response teams located throughout the country can mobilize and help where and when they are needed. With many clients in the same area needing assistance at the same time, having a large network to draw from after a storm can be highly beneficial.
Recovery from storm damage involves specialized cleaning, repairs, and often rebuilding. Undertaking these tasks in a timely manner is extremely important to help prevent further damage. A storm restoration specialist like SERVPRO can help speed up the claims process and help your clients recover every step of the way.